Solos Inc aims

AIM: To facilitate social outlets for members and to provide the public with information about relevant services, resources and human rights.

Friday, 20 December 2013


For a change we've used our own picture to wish you a Happy Christmas because we can't have you thinking we're some Mickey Mouse recycling outfit. It's just there are some cracking images around on the internet which suit our posts so well. Thankyou photographers and artists for the stimulation your efforts bring.

Monday, 16 December 2013

COME ON EILEEN - Town Hall Communications SABOTAGED

Looks like someone has blocked Ramsgate Town Council from communicating with Solo Gays about a Neighbourhood Plan? Whoever did this obviously did not discover the back-up email I had planted...

I dunno, what would you do without me????

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

HEADED NOTEPAPER NEEDED (For the Information Commissioner)

How nice of that Mr Harvey Patterson to spare the time to look through a few drawers at TDC,  to see if he can find any papers relating to the decision to Install Halogen Lamps at Winterstoke Gardens. Well, I suppose if the Planning Manager couldn't find anything, then I guess Mr Patterson was never really going to find anything?